some word play

nintendo 64 with 'the oxford english dictionary' in the cartridge slot and some subtle inaccurracies'

This page has some word play I've came up with. There is also an RSS feed for updates

general word play

September 20, 2024

word play that doesn't fit in another category

a ska group's low end is horrible. a boy is depressed that he doesn't know a place where lots of girls go, so he lies down. this doesn't cheer him up, so he sarcastically builds a sandcastle. in short:

bad bass backs brass band
lad lays, lacks lass land
sad stays, stacks sass sand

in this poem, each word rhymes with the word in its position in all the other lines (e.g. "bass, lays, stays") and each individual line uses alliteration for every word

cross language word play

September 20, 2024

Word play that involves two or more languages.

"ili lekis" is "sike lili" backwards. "ili lekis" means "they licked" in Esperanto while "sike lili" means "small balls" in toki pona. Taken together, this is a cross-language emordnilap meaning "they licked small balls."

The following is a toki pona haiku which is an anagram of (one of) its English translation

jan pi mun ante
li noka e palisa
lon telo nasa

an alien man
punts a pole to
jank oil (as in ale)

Here is another such toki pona haiku that anagrams an English translation

tenpo ale la
mi taso li lon ma ni.
ni taso li lon.

in all time
i am all alone
nonstop isolation.

and a third toki pona english anagram

toki sin pi nimi musi li wile e tenpo mute a. mi nasa.

new puns take a lot o' time. plus, i-i-i-i-i'm-i'm-i'm insane.

a short toki pona poem where both lines are anagrams, have perfect assonance with each other, and a reasonable English translation is a pun.

mi lon anpa
mi o lanpan

I am down
I am down to steal

word avalanches

September 22, 2024

Word avalanches are a form of word play where you repeat sounds without repeating meaning. Usually, these come with a contrived situation as the setup (ideally without including any words that are in the avalanche) and then the avalanche is another way of phrasing the situation.

Cops completely consumed their supply of an opioid

The law did allotted Dilaudid. Did all it.

I work in solar. Had to explain the family business to my kid after he sold a customer his sperm and phones. I said:

Son, sell sun cells; unsell son cells, son's cells

A barbershop quartet mugged me. They sang that they'd break my leg if I didn't pay them. I realized their business plan has 3 steps:

harmony -> harm a knee -> harm money

goth girl gained good girthiness; packing Poseidon pounds

gothic got thicc; got thick god dick

(alternatively: goth girl gained good girthiness; lord gets his giga dong, it go in her" ("lord gets his giga dong, it go in her" is an anagram of "goth girl gained good girthiness"))

Above colorful arches of post-drizzle light, people accessorize to express discontent with said drizzling

Somewhere over the rainbows some wear over-the-rain bows.

That shopping center sucks; do a complete tear down

The mall is shit. Demolish it.

got my peepers cleaned, then took a long look and concluded that I'd been given a vasectomy

sterile eyes stare, realize sterilized.

i went to the magic show where they do the "cutting somebody in half" bit

saw a man saw a man

They compliment a man who believes the earth is a disk by pointing out his stomach is thinner

Flatter their flat earther: "flatter there"

Caffeine suppository for dinner. Analingus for stimulation.

ass upper as supper. ass supper as upper.

my second ghoul is also attending that spooky Swedish band's concert

ghost two goes to Ghost, too

my job is to protect the guys who polish the machines we use to polish the extra space we allot (just in case) for any extra equipment we have (just in case), but thankfully i only work with the more muscular guys

i'm a buffer buffer buffer buffer buffer buffer

The party for shy people with poor shell skills is at capacity

bashful bash fool bash full

toki pona word play

September 20, 2024

Wordplay in or using toki pona

It has been theorized that billions of years ago, a meteorite crashed into the ocean, and the minerals in that meteorite allowed aquatic life to form and breed. In other words:

unpa kala li lon mun pakala

(English: "fish sex occurred in a broken celestial body" - the pun does not translate well)

a person runs a bakery where the food is so good, it's orgasmic. the slogan:

mi lon e unpa lon esun pan

(English: (most literally) "i put the sex in the bread business" - though a valid translation that preserves the pun is "I put the 'nut' in 'donut' store")

a misunderstanding in the doctor's office:

jan: jan misikeke o! mi jan pakala! o pona e mi.

jan misikeke: n, sina nanpa kala... seme?

jan: ala! mi jan pakala!

jan misikeke: sina lon anpa kala... o tawa sewi.

jan: ala! mi jan pakala!

jan misikeke: sina lanpan kala! a! mi o toki e ni tawa jan lawa!

(English: the doctor mishears "jan pakala" ("damaged person") as "nanpa kala" ("fish number") then as "anpa kala" ("beneath fish") and then as "lanpan kala" ("fish theft"))

The longest nimi pu taso sentence which only uses the vowel "i" and has a (relatively) meaningful translation

pipi pilin pi sinpin kili lili sin ni mi li nimi pini kin.

English: The heart bug (lygus pratensis) of this new small fruit wall of mine is (also) named completely(!) - the "(also)" and "(!)" correspond to "kin" which could mean either depending on your nasin. The "pipi pilin" as "heart bug" is a stretch, but lygus pratensis is cute so i don't care (and you can swap "pilin" and "nimi" to also make a meaningful sentence)

lygus pratensis - a bug with a heart shaped spot on its wings
lygus pratensis - a bug with a heart shaped spot on its wings

mi pi len sama la mi pilin sama - "those of us with the same clothing feel similar"

sina moku e telo jelo nasa mute la, insa sina li pakala. tan ni la, sina jelo. toki ante:

selo sijelo li jelo tan telo jelo

(English: Drink a bunch of beer (nasa yellow liquid) and your organs will be damaged. Because of that, you'll turn yellow (jaundice). In other words, the body's skin will yellow because of beer (the assonance doesn't translate))

a palindrome:

utala uta la tu ala tu?
(English: will there be two mouth fights?)

"mi seli e moku" ("I'm cooking sausage") - an image of sausage cooking while arranged in the shape of the sitelen pona glyph for "seli."

an image of sausage cooking while arranged in the shape of the sitelen pona glyph for 'seli.'

pi phrases where the modifier is the phrase in reverse word order:

tomo sona pi sona tomo - architect school

kalama musi pi musi kalama - songs from music games

tawa musi pi musi tawa - dances from dancing games (or more generally, the fun movements from any movement game)

kama sona pi sona kama - learning of future knowledge

len linja pi linja len - a knitted scarf.

silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif silly gif
